Posts Tagged 'art'
danke otto!
“tresorstiege”, one of my instagram pics has been voted “picture of the week” in the #wagner2018 photo competiton organized by wien museum and igersvienna (thx to both of them!!) and will be on display at the museum as part of
danke otto!
“tresorstiege”, one of my instagram pics has been voted “picture of the week” in the #wagner2018 photo competiton organized by wien museum and igersvienna (thx to both of them!!) and will be on display at the museum as part of
SPQR invaders
SPQR invaders 1. 2009. 90 x 130 mm. c-print on photographic paper. edition 2 + 1 AP. price upon request. SPQR invaders 2. 2009. 90 x 130 mm. c-print on photographic paper. edition 2 + 1 AP. price upon request.
SPQR invaders
SPQR invaders 1. 2009. 90 x 130 mm. c-print on photographic paper. edition 2 + 1 AP. price upon request. SPQR invaders 2. 2009. 90 x 130 mm. c-print on photographic paper. edition 2 + 1 AP. price upon request.