Posts Tagged 'hoppe architekten'

Häuser des Jahres … Durchsichtige Motive
“durchsichtige motive” – “transparent motives” is the title of the latest article about casa nina, our award-winnning residential building in vienna. Selected amongst the 50 best single family houses of 2015, it is published in the book Häuser des Jahres:

Häuser des Jahres … Durchsichtige Motive
“durchsichtige motive” – “transparent motives” is the title of the latest article about casa nina, our award-winnning residential building in vienna. Selected amongst the 50 best single family houses of 2015, it is published in the book Häuser des Jahres:

psychical spaces between boredom and confusion
austrian artist w.m. pühringer, once with his practice “zünd-up” one of vienna’s progressive architecture groups of the 1960s, forming part of a movement, that peter cook later on would call “the austrian phenomenon“, has, rather than eventually turning his focus

psychical spaces between boredom and confusion
austrian artist w.m. pühringer, once with his practice “zünd-up” one of vienna’s progressive architecture groups of the 1960s, forming part of a movement, that peter cook later on would call “the austrian phenomenon“, has, rather than eventually turning his focus